The Differences Between DUI DWI and OUI in Atlanta GA

An Atlanta DUI conviction can have far-reaching repercussions for your driving privileges as well as on both personal and professional relationships. Given Georgia’s complex drunk driving laws, it is crucial for individuals to have an in-depth knowledge of them as it applies specifically to them and their situation. Consulting a skilled criminal defense attorney with your initial DUI charge or multiple offenses may prove invaluable in protecting your future rights and freedoms.

State laws regarding impaired driving can be complicated, and their terminology can often be misleading. To add more confusion, some states use different acronyms to denote different DUI offenses: DUI refers to driving under the influence of alcohol while DWI covers impairment charges brought due to drugs or intoxicants being present in one’s system; OUI encompasses all impairment charges regardless of their substance source.

Police officers conducting DUI stops often administer chemical tests; in addition, field sobriety tests such as walk-and-turn and one-leg stand sobriety exams may also ask you to participate. These exams, combined with observations such as erratic driving behavior or the smell of alcohol can assist officers in making an arrest decision based on probable cause; refusal can result in license suspension as well as being used against you in court proceedings.

DUI penalties often involve the suspension of your driver’s license. Depending on the severity and number of previous DUI convictions, an extended license suspension period or even mandatory jail time may result. Your suspension period will be determined using a blood alcohol content chart that considers prior record information and type of charge you face.

Implied consent laws carry severe consequences. According to these laws, all drivers must agree to post-arrest BAC tests when requested by law enforcement officers, or risk having their license suspended – having serious repercussions for their DUI case.

DUI conviction can have severe repercussions for an offender. Fines, license suspension and alcohol education programs may all be mandatory requirements; probation may also be implemented. Since DUI laws can change through legislative or judicial action, always consult a competent legal representative for advice to ensure you have up-to-date information available to you. If you have any inquiries about how Atlanta, Georgia DUI laws pertain to your specific circumstances then consult with an Atlanta, GA DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible so they can review relevant statutes with you and explain further what applies.