Posted by duijim in on December 17, 2023
Common Mistakes to Avoid After a DUI Arrest in Atlanta, GA
If you are charged with DUI in Georgia, you will be required to undergo a substance abuse evaluation and attend DUI school before your license can be reinstated. Staying calm and respectful during a DUI stop is critical in order to avoid making mistakes that could lead to your arrest. 1. Admitting Guilt or Making (read more)
Posted by duijim in on November 29, 2023
What Is Driving Under the Influence of Drugs in Atlanta?
Trial court was not wrong in rejecting defendant’s motion to suppress evidence of breath test results as refusal of chemical testing is separate offense from DUI and it is within its purview, under a warrant obtained in accordance with Fourth Amendment principles, to obtain test results from such refusal. What Is Driving Under the Atlanta (read more)
Posted by duijim in on November 20, 2023
Thanksgiving Day Brings Out Atlanta DUI Drivers
Thanksgiving Day is an American holiday observed annually on the fourth Thursday in November and marked by turkey dinners, American football games, parades and volunteering efforts. Thanksgiving weekend traffic volumes make this period one of the deadliest times on American roads due to low seat belt use rates; that’s why Operation Click It or Ticket (read more)
Posted by duijim in on November 13, 2023
Strategies to Deal Resourcefully With the Stress of a DUI Arrest
Most individuals arrested for DUI in Atlanta do not know their best legal options for defense, and winning such cases requires special training and expertise. There are various strategies available to Georgia residents looking to fight and dismiss a DUI charge, depending on the specific details surrounding their arrest. You can get a free online (read more)
Posted by duijim in on November 8, 2023
Wet Reckless Vs. DUI – What Are the Key Differences?
Many times DUI charges can be reduced to what’s known as Wet Reckless charges, although even then they should not be taken lightly. A Wet Reckless conviction may also result in fines and probation; however, unlike DUI charges which trigger license suspension automatically. 1. Fines Prosecutors may offer DUI defendants a plea bargain to reduce (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 31, 2023
The Role of Expert Witnesses in DUI Cases
Expert witnesses can bolster your case by providing accurate and reliable information to the court. They can assist jurors in understanding that field sobriety tests or chemical testing results do not serve as definitive proof of guilt or innocence. An experienced criminal defense attorney will collaborate with experts to present you with the strongest case (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 27, 2023
Restitution in DUI Accident Cases
Drunk driving accidents often result in serious injuries, including traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), spinal cord injuries, broken or crushed limbs, permanent scarring, and other physical impairments. Victims of DUI accidents in Georgia have the right to claim compensation by filing a civil suit against their drunk driver. Victims of DUI accidents may seek punitive damages (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 19, 2023
How to Challenge BAC Evidence in a Georgia DUI Case
An Atlanta DUI conviction carries with it severe criminal and driver’s license penalties that should be mitigated with the assistance of an experienced DUI attorney. One way to minimize these punishments is to fight these accusations with legal assistance from a legal professional. At the core of many DUI cases lies a blood alcohol content (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 19, 2023
How Breath Tests Can Affect a DUI Case
If the police suspect you of DUI, they may request you take a portable breath test (PBT), such as Alco-Sensor. If the test shows overage of alcohol consumption, arrest may ensue. However, the PBT machine used at DUI courts may not be as precise and there may be valid challenges against its accuracy that your (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 19, 2023
What Makes a Good Lawyer for a DUI Case?
When facing DUI charges in Atlanta, it is critical that you hire the appropriate legal representative. Your choice could have an irreparable impact on both your life and career for years to come. Our DUI lawyers have successfully represented doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses and pilots charged with DUI. They understand the potential risk a conviction (read more)