Atlanta DUI Defense Strategies

An arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) can have lasting repercussions for you and your family, so it is vital that you contact a qualified Atlanta DUI Defense Lawyer immediately for legal guidance and representation. Attorneys will use suppression motions (legal pleadings) and other means to challenge evidence in your case and defend you (read more)

The Untold Tactics: How DUI Attorneys Challenge Breathalyzer Accuracy

Breathalyzer tests are an invaluable piece of evidence in DUI prosecutions, providing a reliable method for measuring blood alcohol concentration (BAC). But these tests should never be relied upon as 100% accurate measures of BAC; there will always be some variability. Challenging breathalyzer accuracy is a complex task requiring knowledge of science and law. An (read more)

Tech Tools to Fight an Atlanta DUI Charge

All bad choices have consequences, and being charged with DUI in Georgia could result in the suspension of your driver’s license. Georgia DUI cases often depend on Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) test results; however, these tests may contain errors due to various circumstances and using tactics to dispute these results can be an essential element (read more)

Prescription Medication As a Legal Basis for DUI in Atlanta

Prescription Medication as Legal Basis for DUI in Atlanta While most people recognize that driving while under the influence of alcohol is illegal, they may not realize that prescription medications may also lead to DUI charges. Therefore it is crucial that any medication you take be discussed with your physician if its side effects could (read more)

The Differences Between DUI DWI and OUI in Atlanta GA

An Atlanta DUI conviction can have far-reaching repercussions for your driving privileges as well as on both personal and professional relationships. Given Georgia’s complex drunk driving laws, it is crucial for individuals to have an in-depth knowledge of them as it applies specifically to them and their situation. Consulting a skilled criminal defense attorney with (read more)

How Is Criminal Speeding Related to a DUI Arrest?

Georgia DUI arrests typically come with additional charges, one being speeding. Speeding tickets carry costly fines; should they accumulate enough, your license could even be suspended. An experienced criminal defense attorney can expose flaws in the prosecution’s case and help you avert jail time. Speeding Charges Are Misdemeanors People commonly associate speeding with traffic violations (read more)

Protect Your Future With James Yeargan an Atlanta DUI Attorney

DUI penalties can be devastatingly severe, from fines to jail time. A first conviction may even lead to your driver’s license being taken away, making it impossible to access work or run your household. A guilty verdict will also tarnish your legal and background check records, possibly hindering future job applications or child custody applications. (read more)

Battling DUI Charges in Atlanta Georgia

A DUI conviction can have far-reaching repercussions, even for first time offenders. You could lose your license, face criminal charges, fines and fees as well as alcohol education and counseling sessions and jail time; so it is wise to retain an experienced Atlanta DUI Lawyer when fighting charges against you. Any drunk driving conviction also (read more)

DUI and Military Service

An arrest for DUI can have severe repercussions for military careers and civilian employment opportunities alike. Finding yourself charged with DUI while serving in the military could result in court-martial. Commanding officers may issue punishments that run concurrent with any civil court actions against the service member. Administrative Actions Military members must uphold an even (read more)

Behind the Gavel: Atlanta’s DUI Attorney Landscape Uncovered

DUI cases often require extensive investigations of facts and evidence surrounding an incident, and an experienced Atlanta DUI attorney will be able to identify weaknesses in the prosecutor’s case as well as raise legal arguments that may result in dismissals or reduced punishments such as fines or jail time. Behind the Gavel: Atlanta’s DUI Attorney (read more)