Milton DUI Lawyers

In addition to fighting DUI’s in Atlanta, Georgia we also fight DUI’s in the surrounding metropolitan area. One of our favorite courts outside of Atlanta is the Milton Municipal Court located at 13000 Deerfield Parkway  Suite 107 E Milton, Georgia 30004. The Municipal Court of Milton is an excellent court to handle your case. As with (read more)

Traffic Ticket

Did you know that having a traffic ticket go on your driving history can cause your insurance rates to increase by 40% over 5 years? Even good drivers usually do not pay less than $1,000 a year for car insurance. That means a 40% increase over 5 years will cost you at least $2,000 in (read more)

Independent Test

Most people are not aware that if they submit to the state administered chemical test of their blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substance they have an absolute right to an independent test of their own choosing. Only a small fraction of driver’s who are arrested for DUI request their own independent test because most drivers do (read more)

Georgia DUI School

People arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), possession of marijuana, and other charges will most likely have to attend risk reduction school also known as DUI School. How Long Is Georgia DUI School? Georgia DUI School is either a 20 or 24-hour class depending on how you score on your assessment. Most individuals charged (read more)

DUI School

People arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), possession of marijuana, and other charges will most likely have to attend risk reduction school also known as DUI School. How Long Is DUI School? DUI School is either a 20 or 24-hour class depending on how you score on your assessment. Most individuals charged with their (read more)

Smyrna DUI Lawyer

In addition to fighting DUI’s in Atlanta, Georgia we also fight DUI’s in the surrounding metropolitan area. One of our favorite courts outside of Atlanta is the Smyrna Municipal Court located at 2800 King Street Smyrna, GA 30080. In addition to being the Atlanta DUI Lawyer I am also the Smyrna DUI Lawyer. The Municipal (read more)

Keep Georgia Traffic Tickets Off Your Driving History

My previous blog entry informed drivers on how to keep speeding tickets off of their driving history. The strategies vary depending on what kind of license you have, but they are all effective. However, what actions need to be taken to keep traffic tickets, other than speeding tickets, off your driving history? Again, this will (read more)

Keeping Speeding Tickets Off Your Driving History

Beating speeding tickets in Georgia is very difficult. Laser and radar guns have been scientifically verified to the point where judges must always believe the evidence they present i.e. your alleged speed. In order to beat a speeding ticket at trial, you must have a legal defense to beat the speed measurement device. Defenses to (read more)

MADD Victim Impact Panel Use On The Rise

Judges in the Metro Atlanta area have been sentencing more and more people convicted of DUI’s, drug and alcohol offenses, and even Possession of Marijuana to a MADD Victim Impact Panel. 10 years ago, when I was a prosecutor, MADD Panels were just being introduced to the courts. Today, many courts have taken to these (read more)

Pretrial Diversion Program In Municipal Court of Atlanta Offers Huge Benefits

People who have received a traffic citation in the City of Atlanta now have a new option to dispose of their ticket, and avoiding an increase in their insurance premiums. Many people are not aware that the Municipal Court of Atlanta located at 150 Garnett Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303 has a pretrial diversion program for (read more)