DUI Classes

DUI Classes Individuals convicted of DUI reduced DUI charges such as Reckless Driving, Possession of Marijuana, and other charges may have to take DUI Classes. The technical name for DUI Classes is a risk reduction school also known as DUI School. DUI Schools are regulated by the State of Georgia, therefore, the curriculum and the (read more)

Been Arrested For An Atlanta DUI

Have You Been Arrested For An Atlanta DUI? The Atlanta DUI process is quite different from the DUI process is all other courts. Your first court date is the following day, and there is much you need to know about this process. As a former chairman of the Atlanta DUI Advisory Committee, and former Atlanta (read more)

How Many Points Can You Have On Your License In Georgia

How Many Points Can You Have On Your License In Georgia? You have to accumulate 15 or more points within a 24 month period in order for your Georgia driver’s license to be suspended based on points. Please remember this 24 period is any 24 month period, and not just the past 24 months. The (read more)

Georgia DUI Defense Steps

Georgia DUI Defense The holiday season is here, and DUI arrests are again at an all-time high. Inevitably, many attorneys who do not specialize in DUI law will receive emergency phone calls from their clients who have recently been arrested for a DUI. While the most important first step in handling a DUI case is (read more)

What Does DUI Mean?

What Does DUI Mean? What does DUI mean? Literally it means “Driving Under the Influence.” If you have been charged with a DUI it means the police officer who stopped you believes that you were less safe to operate a motor vehicle based on the amount of alcohol or drugs in your system, or that (read more)

How Much Is A Speeding Ticket?

How Much Is A Speeding Ticket? The answer to this question depends on a few factors. The most important factor is how fast the alleged speed is. Speeding tickets are generally broken into 4 categories: Speeding 15 to 18 mph over the posted speed limit; Speeding 19 to 23 mph over the posted speed limit; (read more)

Under 21 License Suspension

Georgia drivers under the age of 21 can easily have their driver’s licenses suspended. The Under 21 License Suspension is harsh as it is a 6-month suspension, and there is no limited driving permit in most instances. The statute governing drivers under the age of 21 is O.C.G.A. 40-5-57.1 which can be found here.  In determining (read more)

Is A Speeding Ticket A Misdemeanor In Georgia?

Is A Speeding Ticket A Misdemeanor In Georgia? Yes. A Speeding Ticket is a misdemeanor in Georgia. This means someone may receive a fine of up to $1,000, and 12 months in jail for a speeding ticket in Georgia. While this is rare it is possible to go to jail for a speeding ticket. Georgia’s (read more)

How Many Points Is A Speeding Ticket In Georgia?

How Many Points Is A Speeding Ticket In Georgia? The answer depends on how fast you were speeding. Speeding tickets in Georgia are broken into 4 different point levels. The levels are: Speeding 15 mph to 18 mph over the posted speed limit: 2 points; Speeding 19 mph to 23 mph over the posted speed (read more)

Can You Get A DUI On A Bike?

Can You Get A DUI On A Bike? Can you get a DUI on a bike? In Georgia, the answer is yes. Title 40 of the Official Code of Georgia (O.C.G.A.) is the code that governs motor vehicles in Georgia. Title 40 defines a motor vehicle as “Every vehicle which is self-propelled other than an (read more)