Do Insurance Companies Pay for Atlanta DUI Accident Damages?

Insurance policies, no matter the state in which they are purchased, exclude any coverage for acts that are fraudulent or intentional. For example, if one day you decide to light your car on fire, your insurance company will not pay for the damages from the fire. However, insurance companies do have to pay for any (read more)

Penalties for Boating Under the Influence (BUI) Charges in Atlanta

In 2016, a boating accident occurred in Buford, Georgia. A 19-year-old’s foot was amputated and the other foot was cut by a boat that was operated by the teen’s friend. That friend was intoxicated at the time. With summertime at its peak in Atlanta, spending time on the water can be enjoyable and a break (read more)

Georgia Hands-Free Rules You Need to Know

Distracted driving has become an increasingly dangerous problem throughout the United States, leading to an alarming increase in motor vehicle fatalities. Georgia has not escaped this trend with thousands of men, women, and children being victims of distracted driving-related accidents annually. In an effort to save lives and reduce accidents, the state of Georgia has (read more)

What Happens if I Get Pulled Over With a Suspended License?

In Georgia there are a variety of situations that could lead to the loss of a driver’s license. Committing a traffic offense, failing to pay a fine in a timely manner, or accumulating too many points on a driver’s license could all potentially end in a suspended license. Once a license is suspended, you must (read more)

Reasons to Fight a Traffic Ticket

The majority of adults in Georgia with valid driver’s licenses have received at least one citation in their life. These citations are as minor as forgetting to wear your seatbelt and as major as operating a motor vehicle with a revoked license. The punishment for each violation is different and is often based on the (read more)

What Is A Following Too Closely Charge?

Each day drivers throughout the state of Georgia find themselves charged with the crime of following too closely. Even though it is one of the most common citations issued, following too closely is not something that every driver understands. Though seemingly self-explanatory, the charge has the potential to be substantially more serious than most initially (read more)

Why You Must Attend Your Traffic Hearing

On the surface, receiving a traffic citation is a fast, but stressful process. The police officer who stopped you verifies your identity using your driver’s license, checks your vehicle registration, and asks you to sign the citation. What some fail to realize is that signing your citation is a promise to appear in court. Though (read more)

What to Expect if You are Arrested for Battery

One arrest can change the entire course of your life in an instant. In some situations, this change can happen after an altercation with a person you know or a stranger that you never expected to end in a criminal charge. If you are in a fight with another person, even if it is self-defense, (read more)

What is a Bench Warrant and How Could it Affect Me?

Throughout the state of Georgia, newspapers regularly include a list of individuals for whom the local police are looking. These individuals usually have a bench warrant issued for them, and the police are seeking the public’s help in finding them. While the average person may go their entire life without facing a warrant, it is (read more)

What to do if You are Charged With Public Drunkenness This Summer

Throughout the summer it is normal for people to attend multiple parties and social gatherings that involve drinking. While there is nothing illegal about an adult over the age of 21 consuming alcohol in acceptable locations, drinking in excess could cost you dearly. In the state of Georgia, public intoxication, also referred to as public (read more)