Posted by duijim in on November 2, 2018
The Most Common Types of DUI Accidents
A man from Rossville, Georgia was recently placed in the Catoosa County jail after he crashed into a mobile home while operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. The accident occurred when the driver lost control of his vehicle and veered off the road. Following an arrest, the driver was cited with driving under (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 31, 2018
Dealing With DUI Court
A Decatur High School graduate was recently killed after a drunk driver struck her vehicle. The driver was stopped at a stop light when she was struck from behind. As a result of this collision, the driver struck the vehicle located in front of her, which led to a chain reaction with three other vehicles. (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 29, 2018
What to do if Pulled Over With Marijuana
A Taliaferro County law enforcement officer recently arrested two individuals during a traffic stop on Interstate 20. The arrest occurred shortly after 300 pounds of marijuana was detected in a secret compartment of a motor home coming from California to Charleston. Both the driver and passenger are now located in Wilkes County Jail with pending (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 22, 2018
DUI Pleas
It has become common in Georgia that even people who are charged with serious DUI offenses end up entering into plea agreements with the prosecution in exchange for lesser penalties. If you do enter the plea bargain process, it is helpful to remember some important pieces of advice and to obtain the assistance of an (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 19, 2018
What Not to do if Pulled Over for a DUI
A man in Forsyth last month was jailed on charges of driving under the influence as well as aggravated battery after he crashed his vehicle and proceeded to get into a fight with an emergency medical technician. Law enforcement at the scene of the accident reports that the driver was arrested on one count of (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 17, 2018
How to Act at DUI Checkpoints
No matter the degree of caution that you apply to drinking and driving, there is a significant possibility that eventually you will end up either charged for driving under the influence or in the middle of a DUI stop. For this reason, it is particularly helpful for drivers in Georgia to understand what to do (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 15, 2018
What Evidence Does the Prosecution Use in DUI Cases?
In a memorable news story, a grandmother in Albuquerque, New Mexico recently tried to flirt out of a DUI arrest with a law enforcement officer while the woman’s grandson remained in the vehicle. It did not take long before the woman realized that her flirting would not work and she was arrested by the law (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 12, 2018
Things to Never Tell a Law Enforcement Officer
A man in Fort Oglethorpe was recently arrested on several traffic charges including driving under the influence as well as driving with an open container, failure to maintain lane, failure to signal, and improper use of a turning lane. Law enforcement officers noticed the man weaving between lanes of traffic and almost ending up on (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 8, 2018
Common Mistakes Law Enforcement Makes During DUI Stops
Atlanta law enforcement recently awarded more than $100,000 of Forsyth County taxpayers money after a lawsuit in which a driver was erroneously arrested for driving under the influence. In 2017, a law enforcement officer contacted 911 when he saw some teenagers behaving suspiciously in his neighborhood. While the teenagers were let go, one of the (read more)
Posted by duijim in on October 5, 2018
Five Ways to Avoid Distracted Driving
Recently in the Atlanta area, a driver received only minor injuries after his vehicle collided with a fence and subsequently flipped approximately 30 feet off of a parking deck. The car proceeded to land in front of someone nearby who was washing a vehicle. Bystanders mistook the noise of the car for train cars colliding (read more)